How do I setup and record results for Grand/Reserve classes?

To hold Grand/Reserve classes, enter each class as a separate one into your showbill.

Each Grand/Reserve class has it’s own approving association code and is noted as such by checking the ‘Is Grand/Reserve’ box in the Classes area.

Each class that feeds into those Grand/Reserve classes needs to have the proper class codes in the ‘Grand class’ and ‘Reserve class’.

After all results are entered for the classes that feed into the Grand & Reserve classes, the program automatically enters the horses that qualify (1st place winners in the Grand class and 1st and 2nd place winners to the Reserve class). Then results can be entered (first place for the Grand in the Grand class and first place for the Reserve in the Reserve class).

If your association has only one class which places 1st and 2nd as Grand/Reserve, put the same class code into both the Grand class and Reserve class fields of the feeder classes.

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