HSW Updates

Horse Show for Windows by FunnWare

System Requirements

Please make sure you hold a current license; your Service Contract Date should expire after 12/01/2024 before installing the most current version. Purchase a new service contract through the online ordering page.

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What’s new for v8.563?
  • TrackerFeeder service duplicating rows for entries in multiple concurrent classes
What’s new for v8.562?
  • Clean up tie issues for AQHA World Show
  • Import convenience fee if pre-paid show
  • Leading owner/breeder/trainer to use working show versus all shows in database
  • NRCHA Reined Work score sheet no longer cut off on right side

What’s new for v8.560?

  • NRHA csv file adjusted to use a period as the decimal point even if European format uses commas
  • FastAnnounce adjusted to handle new serialization that caused issues with cow work display

What’s new for v8.554?

  • NSBA Score Sheets allowing for blank sheets
  • Added option of Full Address of Exhibitor, Owner, and Trainer to Results by Class report
  • Adjustments to AQHA file when pulling database from different folder

What’s new for v8.552?

  • FWShowServer updated to handle change in serialization

What’s new for v8.551?

  • More changes to SHTX score sheets
  • Link to Score Sheet folder (ones generated automatically on close out when using maneuver scoring) to desktop
  • Ability to include any/all shows in a circuit in one NRHA csv file
  • Ability to include any/all shows on the NRHA tally sheet with Show IDs visible
  • Liability release wording on the Entry Sheets/Cards report

What’s new for v8.550?

  • ApHC new classes for 2024
  • PHBA new classes for 2024
  • RHAA updated score sheets for 2024
  • NRCHA updated score sheets for 2024
  • AQHA new classes (more to come) – (first number is HSW code, second is AQHA’s actual new code)
    • 410919/4109001Rookie Youth Ranch Trail
    • 210919/2109001Rookie Amateur Ranch Trail
    • 410929/4109002Level 1 Youth Ranch Trail
    • 210929/2109002Level 1 Amateur Ranch Trail
    • 410819/4108001Rookie Youth Working Hunter Under Saddle
    • 210819/2108001Rookie Amateur Working Hunter Under Saddle
    • 410829/4108002Level 1 Youth Working Hunter Under Saddle
    • 210829/2108002Level 1 Amateur Working Hunter Under Saddle
  • NRHA new csv file format

What’s new for v8.540?

  • Optimization on FWServices
  • Allow for Bubble score to limit information Tracker shows so that ‘Top xx’ is displayed instead of score and placing
  • Allowing new R2 penalty on tablets for reining classes (reviewable 2 point penalty)

What’s new for v8.535?

  • Remove lag time when returning to main menu screen
  • Update Name on Card button no longer in tabbing order (can keep using tab or enter to get through all fields)

What’s new for v8.534?

  • Optimization for entries locking up
  • State Association/MemberEase file change to only put the final Gos results for any class (specifically found with horsemanship and hunt seat equitation with rail work being Go 2)

What’s new for v8.533?

  • AQHA card now required for owner as well as horse and exhibitor
  • Adjust tabbing on Name on Card button (still not usable but no longer in the way – using this is still in the works)
  • SCR label no longer being displayed on HSW Ranch Riding score sheets
  • Ability to print blank score sheets with out a judge name
  • Clear 0 from F&E column on Pattern score sheet when printing blanks
  • Fix ‘not a valid floating point value’ error when Disqualifying horses in main Results/Scoring screen
  • Add all APHA score sheets
  • Add Longe Line to AQHA list
  • Remove Purge from Utilities (use Year End clear to remove show data if need to compress database)
  • Add Find capability to Pattern Maintenance screen
  • Do not allow push of classes to the cloud if no back numbers have been generated
  • Do not allow change of Go if it currently enabled
  • Scores/DQs not always making it into HSW
  • Message to remind the user that more than 6 judges is not supported with scored classes in tablets

What’s new for v8.531?

  • 2023 APHA New Classes
  • Added search capability to the Pattern Maintenance Screen
  • Added sort by Exhibitor name to Entries by Class screen
  • Allowed printing of blank Ranch Riding score sheets with maneuvers
  • Automatically switch all concurrent classes to Scored when enabling Go 1 or to Ranked when enabling Go 2 in F6 – Enable Classes for Scored then Ranked classes
  • State Association/MemberEase file change to only put the final Gos results for any class (specifically found with horsemanship and hunt seat equitation with rail work being Go 2)
  • Optimizations to FWServices
  • AQHA RJ File changes
    • adjustment to creating name
    • use full seven digit code for new classes (new field in Classes screen)
    • fix to use correct AQHA number for judge (was always using first judge in list for all subsidiaries)

What’s new for v8.529?

  • 2023 ApHC new classes

What’s new for v8.527?

  • Fix misspelling of ManeuverRun table in changing of Back Number Utility

What’s new for v8.526?

  • Updated flag for allowing online entries now and moving forward
  • Rest of AQHA VRH score sheets updated
  • SHTX/NRSHA score sheets for Stock Horse association classes updated

What’s new for v8.524?

  • Clean up of new fields for horsemanship/hunt seat equitation
  • Ability to re-generate automatically generated score sheets

What’s new for v8.522?

  • 2023 AQHA Ranch Score Sheets

What’s new for v8.521?

  • 2023 NRCHA Score Sheets
  • 2023 ABRA new classes
  • 2023 AQHA new classes
  • Added functionality to automate creation and usage of extra Go for horsemanship and hunt seat equitation to be first scored and then ranked (mainly when using maneuver tablet scoring of pattern work)

What’s new for v8.513?

  • Guaranteed matching to the master show (not subsidiaries) for Reviews

What’s new for v8.512?

  • Updated FWServices for Mobile tools
  • Other Miscellaneous clean up

What’s new for v8.508?

  • State association file now includes OP status
  • Default Breeder from Horses now pulling into Entries by Back Number

What’s new for v8.506?

  • All scored non-cow classes available for Maneuver Scoring and printing of score sheets with judge’s signature
  • Ability to filter Circuit/Hi Point pre-set lists by number of categories and classes

What’s new for v8.503?

  • Sets HSW icon to Run as Administrator to give Horse Show for Windows administrator privileges as needed for new features (click here to check out the FAQ with set instructions for any other HSW icons you may use)
  • Adjustments to FW services and mobile tools
    • New Maneuver Scoring option in judging app
    • New fast check-in in gate keeping app
    • Print Trail score sheets with maneuver information from tablet (other disciplines to come)
    • New admin Tracker/Payments screen allows payments of anyone with a balance in HSW (contact FW for admin information)
    • No scratches allowed after a certain date from Tracker online entries
    • Automatic turning off services to allow updates and backups and optimization (refer to installation FAQs if any issues with services)
  • AQHA RJ file updates
    • Do not include scratches
    • Include only one entry/result for Grand/Reserve classes
    • Allow creation of master show if needed for Region shows
    • Append to file already created so multiple subsidiaries with same Show ID can all be in one file
    • Use 9999999 (instead of 0 as originally noted) for people without AQHA membership numbers
    • Use results from the highest Go like a finals or a composite
    • Make sure to include a valid judge ID for any composite or all around classes
  • AQHA ranch riding category change
  • Correct set up for AQHA Performance Halter Grand/Reserve classes
  • ABRA new classes
  • Allowance to print score sheets even when no draws (enough for current entry counts in class)
  • Fixes:
    • Self relationship was showing on entry screen but not saving
    • Updating the spelling of a name in the People screen did not update the owner name on the Horse screen or on some reports
    • Search people or horse using @membership or @registration number in People and Horse screen didn’t pull up the found person or horse
    • Avoid accidental redraws of a class by clearing all fields after doing or re-printing a draw
    • NRCHA Rein work score sheet not printing the last entry on the page

What’s new for v8.422?

  • NRCHA score sheets for 2022
  • NRCHA new classes and updated names of original classes with new classes to use
  • Manual Update of Draw allows sorting columns by Exhibitor, Horse, Draw
  • Show Summary report added option to export to Excel
  • Show Summary report added option to exclude all gos except Go 1

What’s new for v8.418?

  • Miscellaneous updates

What’s new for v8.404?

  • POAC horse registration and membership information updated for 2021
  • NRCHA score sheets for 2021
  • NSBA updated classes for 2021
  • Updated AQHA VRH limited and rookie classes and all arounds
  • Ability to use L3/L2 combined entry counts for points on classes that are not held concurrently
  • Ability to print AQHA score sheets with draws and pattern maneuvers.
  • New Entry report with trainer, responsible party, owner, classes, exhibitor contact and association information (Reports -> Entry card/sheets)

What’s new for v8.374?

  • Miscellaneous items
  • Fix for missing association numbers in State Association file
  • Miscellaneous adjustments for online entries

What’s new for v8.358?

  • NRHA – new patterns updated for printing maneuvers on score sheets
  • Added error check on maximum number of horses in a given class – defaulted to 3
  • POAC – updated designation groups for classes
  • POAC – current membership/registration information to May 18, 2020

What’s new for v8.351?

  • ABRA – new classes added
  • AQHA – cleaned up class names, L1 classes not needing relationship check
  • APHA – file only reports top 7 in each class even if more are placed
  • PHBA – new classes added
  • POAC – new classes added, 2020 membership information
  • NRHA – new classes added
  • NRCHA – new class and updated score sheets
  • NSBA – additional classes
  • RHAA – new association and score sheets
  • Judge cards printing only for chosen association
  • Error report printing only for chosen association
  • Option to use the same draw when creating 2nd and 3rd Gos

What’s new for v8.341?

  • AQHA – clean up issues on XLSX file

What’s new for v8.332?

  • AQHA – upload file adjustment for membership numbers with characters that do not belong; correct judge IDs put in subsidiary shows; allow for creating the files from folders with spaces in their name
  • European usage of judge labels without changing to US format

What’s new for v8.330?

  • APHA – new classes added
  • AQHA – discipline/exclusion of discipline cleaned up, upload file adjustment for 000000 membership numbers
  • European date and currency formatting cleaned up

What’s new for v8.328?

  • AQHA file format adjusted to handle six digit show IDs, both roster and results in one file, XLSX format
  • NSBA new class codes for color breed classes
  • PHBA new class codes
  • Ability to include creation of master show for association text files (APHA and NSBA)
  • POAC updated membership information (cleaned up birthdates)

What’s new for v8.300?

Association changes:

  • ABRA – new classes added
  • AQHA – updated VRH score sheets, 50 credit adjustment for VRH all around, added Grand/Reserve to ouput file
  • POAC – new classes added, 2019 membership information
  • NRCHA – updated score sheets
  • NSBA – additional classes and text file creation
  • SHTX – updated score sheets

Changes/New Features:

  • Utility to create a spreadsheet with all Payee’s who earned more than $600 in a show year to help with 1099’s
  • Added Showbill # to roster report
  • Added Showbill # to Pre-set list to help with creating awards list
  • Added message when scratching or deleting an entry if corresponding entry in a concurrent class
  • Added exhibitor city/state option to Information for Publication report
  • Fixed issue with payee saving correctly
  • Added filters on Enable tablets screen
  • Added Profit/Loss report for classes with payouts
  • Added Excel export to Horses report
  • Added Excel export to Stall information report
  • Added ability for more than one Off Pattern to be recorded and sorted as such (OP1, OP2, and OP3+)

What’s new for v8.253?

  • Several updates for networking, tablets and Horse Show Tracker

What’s new for v8.22x?

  • Added Refresh to Scoring Screen
  • Added # Shown to Standings Screen
  • Adjusted Association Disk Creationg function to choose which associations to include
  • PHBA Fee change
  • Updated NRHA CSV file for reporting
  • NRHA score sheets now include Pattern Maneuver information
  • Added Short Label to list of classes and list of shows
  • Added entry count at bottom of Entries by Back Number screen
  • Added Association and Showbill selection from Results Judges function
  • Added ability to select specific association to Results by Class and Information for Publication
  • Added ability to exclude entry of a class by discipline
  • Updated AQHA Youth classes to prevent entry from going into 13 & Under and 14-18 of same class

What’s new for v8.21x?

Association changes:

  • ABRA – new classes added
  • APHA – new classes added and updated judge cards
  • ApHC – new classes and judge cards added
  • AQHA – updated VRH score sheets
  • POAC – new classes added
  • NRCHA – updated score sheets
  • NSBA – new class codes now in use
  • SHTX – updated score sheets

Changes/New Features:

  • Backup – upon exiting the program, it prompts the user to backup and optimize the database if it hasn’t been done in over three hours
  • Classes – added Discipline to each class
  • Entries – by Class – added # Shown to screen and Refresh button to update as needed
  • Entries – by Class – change of exhibitor now changes for all classes held concurrently
  • Entries – by Class – now allows to choose from a list of all exhibitors showing the selected back number
  • Entries – either by Back Number or by Class – cannot scratch a horse that has results
  • Judging app to input results for scored and ranked classes directly from the ring
  • Gate Keeper app to scratch, change exhibitors, or add entries at the gate
  • Reports – Announcer/Draw – adjustments for easier reading
  • Reports – Show Summary – now allows range of classes to print; puts a timestamp of when it was printed at the top; notes classes that either have results entered or no entries for quick look to see if all results are in
  • Shows/Entries – added a short label to all shows; used on Entries by Back Number screen to tell the difference between classes that may be run on the same day
  • Utilities – Select Qualifier – added an option to qualify between X and Y for subsequent gos

What’s new for v8.011/v8.010?

  • Added more new APHA classes and updated the Performance Halter classes to be included in the Grand/Reserve
  • Fixed issue where Announcer Report was not putting class information when running one class where there were no entries
  • Added small header to top of Announcer Report for subsequent pages of a class
  • Cleaned up date validation for non-US date formats

What’s new for v8.003?

  • Fixed where first draw on announcer/draw report was missing
  • Fixed issue where show type (for POAC) caused failure to save a show
  • Small fixes for stock horse/VRH entry counts/paybacks

What’s new for v8.0?

  • Eliminated need for Dummy Shows
  • New icon for better viewing (especially on Windows 10)
  • Updated manual with new features
  • Updated Show Wizard
  • Updating Class Information – Leaving abbreviations the user previously set up in place
  • ABRA – Added all new classes and BBP restriction from regular classes
  • APHA – Added Performance halter classes
  • ApHC – Added new W/T classes
  • AQHA – Added L1, L2, etc in abbreviation field
  • AQHA – Changed Novice to L1 in All-Around reporting and divisions
  • AQHA VRH – AQHA VRH classes and all-arounds
  • AQHA VRH/Stock Horse – Pattern maintenance and maneuvers printed on some cards
  • NRCHA – NRCHA judges sheets
  • POAC – POAC Grand/Reserve issue
  • POAC – Updated designated class groups
  • Miscellaneous fixes
  • Entries – by Back Number – Validate button has been added to update any errors if you have fixed issues. Especially helpful for pre-entered shows when you print statements that include error messages.
  • Error Validation – Now verifying missing birth date for any class with age restriction (not just Youth)
  • People – Ability to check all for Level 1 classes in AQHA
  • Report – all Cross Reference reports – Added excel option for all cross reference reports
  • Report – Announcer Rpt – Added abbreviations to list of classes at top
  • Report – Announcer Rpt – fixed printing NO ENTRIES when printing only one class but the “include classes with no entries” is checked
  • Report – Announcer Rpt – Now printing class information header only on first page to get more entries on subsequent pages
  • Report – Back# Report – Added sire/dam option and ability to export to Excel
  • Report – Class Verification – Added Assn Code and Points Model
  • Report – Earnings/Payment by Type – Fixed “invalid floating point” issue
  • Report – Generate HTML for Results – Added Sire/Dam option
  • Report – Show Summary Count – Total to Run on Show Summary Count report showing the total number of entries in a group of concurrent classes
  • Utilities – Switching Entries by… – Cleaned up several places to make sure all correct areas are updated when doing a switch
  • Utilities – System Preferences – Automatically deleting fees if an entry is scratched

What’s new for v7.995? (includes changes from v7.992 up)

  • Several small fixes have been done after additional testing by show managers
  • Error report by Responsible party didn’t actually print the responsible parties name (other than the first one) above each of the horses under them
  • Files exported to Excel would not open in newer versions of Excel

What’s new for v7.992?

  • Two more statement issues have been cleaned up (fee types with TACK in them didn’t print or add correctly; classes with more than one Go multiplied the class charges by the number of gos for that class)

What’s new for v7.991?

  • A few reported issues fixed (printing Announcer’s report when including classes with no entries; going into Results/Scoring from Entries | Class mode kicking error; Statement not printing (but adding correctly) all items if they were the same [example: two CHECK items were put in – the total for that section would include both checks but it was only printing one of them])

What’s new for v7.97/v7.98/v7.99?

  • Continuing Windows 7/Vista issue – adding more than one show to database (three dummy shows added to any database that doesn’t have three for 2016 already)
  • NRCHA – updated judges sheets; updated results report for classes with no entries
  • AQHA – updated class codes; added B show option
  • ABRA – updated class codes
  • NRHA – added Associate membership and exclusion from all classes as exhibitor or owner except for Green/Ride & Slide
  • POAC – updated class codes, membership list, horse registration; adjusted point calculation to account for additional halter points; allowed ability to designate exhibitors for specific awards thereby eliminating them from others
  • USEF – adjusted to make sure that the owner that is added to the report is actually the owner that is a USEF member
  • APHA/AHA/AQHA – created horse registration type so that error checking can be done on horses like people (Solid Bred Paint horses who can’t be in regular breed classes (and vice versa); Half/Arabian horses who can’t be in full Arabian classes (and vice versa)
  • Awards – Circuit/Hi-Points – added ability to roll up points by horse regardless of that horse using the same back#
  • Charges – adjusted screen and Statement to sort in showbill order
  • Charges – Statement – optimized queries so report is generated quicker, especially in a network environment
  • Entries – ability to connect a back# to both a horse and an exhibitor and allowing a horse to be connected to more than one back number (with a different exhibitor)
  • Horse/People – added Nationality
  • Reports – Roster for One Show – added sire/dam and breeder information to be included
  • Reports – Information for Publication – added association points to be included
  • Utilities – Purge of membership data by year – new function to clear out membership card types so that new year can start fresh
  • Utilities – Manual update of placing – new function to allow manual adjustment of automatically calculated placings
  • Utilities – Purge horse/people – recreated function to work correctly and allow horses and people who haven’t been used in some time to be removed from the database in one function

What’s new for v7.94/7.95/7.96?

  • POAC – ability to adjust/reset Pts Des for an entry in Back# Mode
  • POAC – adjustment to points designation groups as several were set up needing a designation form that do not need one
  • Awards/Circuit/Pre-set lists – ability to set restrictions on age of rider, sex of rider, age of horse, sex of horse, height of horse.
  • Awards/Circuit/Pre-set lists – ability to save restrictions as above and how the points get rolled up (back#, back#/exhibitor, exhibitor only, horse only (coming soon)) so you don’t have to input them every time
  • Standings screen – added exhibitor and city/state to screen for announcing without having to print report

What’s new for v7.92/7.93?

  • POAC – added point designation groups for each set of classes that require entries to designate which pony/rider combination will receive points
  • POAC – entries who are grand/reserve will now be automatically awarded their extra points for those who showed in classes with less entries than others
  • Entries/Back# Mode – Scratch Entry button – gives the ability to scratch all entries under a given back# within the working show

What’s new for v7.91?

  • Continuing Windows 8/7/Vista issue – adding more than one show to database (three dummy shows added to any database that doesn’t have three for 2015 already – don’t delete the dummy show until you have at least three (3) shows of your own in the database)
  • Association updates/rule changes:
    • NRCHA – added new classes; updated judge’s sheets; NEW .xls file of results
    • AQHA – changed class names and category on Ranch Horse Pleasure (now Ranch Riding); updated Novice skill set list to change from what used to match on the membership cards to what now is a printed sheet from AQHA’s website
    • APHA – added new classes; adjusted all classes to require membership for owners; added new relationships; updated results text file to include only the placed entry for Grand/Reserve
    • ApHC – added new classes
    • ABRA – added new classes; fixed issue with Reining judge sheets
    • NRHA – adjusted Open classes to require one of several options for membership
    • AHA – added creation of text file per AHA requirements
    • POAC – new module added with classes, text file, and allowance of one back number per pony/rider versus one back number per horse
  • Won Toss checkbox fixed
  • AQHA judges cards printing issue – some printers had a problem with margins and the cards would not print consistently nor would the overlay of AQHA’s card image print on all pages.
    • Adjusted margins and tested with HP LaserJetP1102w printer
    • Modified AQHA overlay to smaller file so that spooling wouldn’t be as much of a problem
    • Included a PDF of the AQHAJudgeCards for printing over those cards that didn’t include the overlay
  • Statements – added the ability to include entry error messages directly on statement
  • Generic judges cards now allows up to 15 horses to be placed
  • NEW Function – Manual Override of Points (Utilities menu) to allow points that are automatically awarded to an entry to be adjusted. This is especially useful for POAC designated pony/rider and anyone needing additional points to be awarded to Grand/Reserve entries
  • Working Order Draw now allows for draw in order of horse foal date
  • Tax – Allowance for up to five taxes to be applied to any given FeeType
    • Two tax types are automatically added to the database (per specific Canadian user) – edit/remove/add any of your own
    • Adjust any FeeTypes to apply set up taxes (make sure to include All Day Fees if class fees would be taxed)
    • Taxes are applied as fees are applied to a responsible party
    • Taxes are printed after Total fees on Statement
  • Field for Coggins Accession # added to Horse screen and optionally included on Back Number List report
  • Option to check for missing or expired Coggins papers (Maintain System Preferences) upon entry
  • Circuit Awards now allows restriction on age and/or sex of rider
  • Circuit Awards adds an option for # of times an entry has shown throughout the circuit

What’s new for v7.84?

  • Continuing Windows 8/7/Vista issue – adding more than one show to database (three dummy shows added to any database that doesn’t have three for 2014 already)
  • Rules 2014 – NRCHA updated judge’s sheets and results form
  • AQHA – added new classes, changed class names (uses RK, L1, L2, and L3 in front of names), added codes for old upload of new classes, Level 3 classes held with other classes prints total entry count of all classes held concurrently on reports, Level 3 classes uses entry count of all classes held concurrently for points
  • NSBA – updated payout model
  • Payback Report – added ability to generate a PDF instead of preview to print

What’s new for v7.83?

  • AQHA – don’t include Grand/Reserve classes in file upload
  • Utilities – Switching entries (option K) switches for all shows in a circuit rather than just the working show

What’s new for v7.82?

  • AQHA – leased horses allowed under all divisions
  • Reports – Information for Publication – includes DQ’d horses at bottom of list

What’s new for v7.81?

  • Rules 2013 – AQHA new judge cards
  • Association Disk Creation – AQHA – added back the option to create the old file format for uploading

What’s new for v7.80?

  • Rules 2013 – AQHA new classes, leveling, leased horses allowed in all but open classes
  • Rules 2013 – ABRA new classes, score sheets
  • Rules 2013 – NRCHA updated judge’s sheets
  • Reports – Information for Publication – includes DQ’d horses
  • Reports – Back Number List – added Height option
  • Reports – Announcer’s Report/Results by Class – adjusted horse name spacing to allow for longer names

What’s new for v7.76?

  • Fix for class definitions leaving off age restriction information

What’s new for v7.75?

  • Rules 2012 – APHA new classes, skill set changes, Walk/Trot division addition and error checking, judge’s cards
  • Rules 2012 – AQHA new classes
  • Rules 2012 – ApHC new classes
  • Rules 2012 – PtHA updated classes
  • Rules 2012 – NRCHA updated judge’s sheets
  • Continuing Windows 7/Vista issue – adding more than one show to database (three dummy shows added to any database that doesn’t have three for 2012 already)
  • Awards – Circuit/Hi-Point – allow to sort by just exhibitor
  • Awards – Circuit/Hi-Point – added sex of exhibitor
  • Awards – Circuit/Hi-Point – allowed restriction of classes held in the working show to Pre-Set Lists
  • Charges – Fixed error in selecting the correct approving association for a class fee when class code was used in more than one association
  • Reports – Back Number List – added sex of exhibitor and age group
  • Reports – Information for Publication – ability to print Master or Subsidiaries for all options
  • Results/Scoring – Verify – added showbill number and number shown to judge verification report to allow for easy posting of results with multiple judges
  • Statement – cropped show ID so there will be no wrapping and taking extra lines
  • Utilities – Swap Judge for Working or All Shows – can swap judge for a range of classes instead of the entire show

What’s new for v7.72?

  • Rules 2011 – APHA new classes
  • Rules 2011 – APHA skill set changes
  • Rules 2011 – USEF adjustments to data file
  • ABRA class list updated – removed unused classes/adjusted names of a few incorrect classes
  • Awards – All Arounds – scratched horses are no longer being included so that horses don’t have eligibility for categories where they didn’t actually show
  • Awards – Circuit/Hi-Point – allow export to Excel (has some issues still – may need to abort the report but save what was generated and just delete the excess)
  • Reports – Judges cards – date of show now printing on AQHA cards
  • Excel export updated for any reports with export to Excel available

What’s new for v7.71?

  • Rules 2011 – AQHA new classes
  • Rules 2011 – AQHA skill set changes
  • Rules 2011 – Category X added
  • Rules 2011 – NRCHA new judges sheets
  • Continuing Windows 7/Vista issue – adding more than one show to database (three dummy shows added to any database that doesn’t have three for 2011 already)
  • FAQ’s updated
  • Awards – Circuit/Hi-Points – printing age of horse instead of foal year
  • Reports – Announcer’s Report – owner information adjusted for less confusion in reading names and city/state
  • Reports – Back Number Labels – pushing number of classes listed to new line if they didn’t fit on the first line
  • Reports – Fee Accumulation – export to Excel, PDF, and RTF added
  • Reports – Information for Publication – export to Excel added
  • Reports – Results by Class – adjusted judge title from 3th to 3rd
  • Reports – Statements – adjusted final balance to print with parenthesis to show a credit
  • Reports – Statements – adjusted wrong name printed on continuation page where no charges are printed on final page
  • Results/Entries – adjusted scoring screen to include correct exhibitor (if horse was ridden by more than one exhibitor, program was just pulling first exhibitor it found)

What’s new for v7.70?

  • Fix for Circuit/Hi-Points awards on age of rider with certain selections

What’s new for v7.69?

  • Rules 2010 – Adjustment in the AQHA judge.dta file for website upload
  • Reports – Announcer’s Report – adjustment for better ease of reading draw and back numbers along with the lines that are included for judge’s results
  • Reports – Circuit/Hi Points – age of exhibitor printed instead of birth date
  • Reports – Circuit/Hi Points – additional 10 character field added to horse record to distinguish different types that might not be eligible for certain awards
  • Utilities – Switching entries (option K) now allows switch of one back number of another in the current working show

What’s new for v7.68?

  • Rules 2010 – AQHA judge.dta file generated for website upload
  • Utilities – MemberEase files generated separately for split combined or double/judged shows to upload easier
  • Reports – Announcer’s Report – Multiple judges lines results moved from the right of the report to the left
  • Reports – Judge’s Sheets – full sheets bring printed on NRHA/NRCHA/ABRA score sheets when less than a page worth of horses are printed
  • Reports – Circuit/Hi Points – header includes Show Name instead of Licensee
  • Reports – Results by Class – a more concise report to include all horses in a class and their placings for non-PHBA approved shows, check the PHBA/IBHA format (also check ‘Include results for each judge’ for an extra line that lists how each judge placed that horse – this puts the report in back number order but shows all placings for each judge)
  • Results/Scoring – scratching a horse from either Back Number Mode or Class Mode now scratches the horse from all Gos under that class
  • Reports – Back Number List – added POA Master Sheet format

What’s new for v7.66?

  • Tested for Compatibility with Windows 7
  • Windows 7 issue – adding more than one show to database now working (three dummy shows added to any database that doesn’t have three for 2010 already)
  • Rules 2010 – USEF results file updated
  • Rules 2010 – AQHA judge’s cards updated
  • Rules 2010 – AQHA roster file generated separately for split combined or double/judged shows to upload easier
  • Rules 2010 – AQHA ROM changes (accepts ROM in any division for all classes requiring a ROM)
  • Rules 2010 – NRCHA judge’s sheets updated
  • Reports – Judge’s Cards – NRCHA separating correctly and printing horse names when subsidiary shows are implemented
  • Reports – Cross Reference – Horse/Owner/Exhibitor report added
  • Reports – Roster for One Show – added the ability to include Owner Registration #
  • Ponies of the Americas association and classes added (additional reporting still to come)
  • Pinto Horse Association of America association and classes updated (additional reporting still to come)

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What’s new for v7.64?

  • Fix – Reports – Announcer/Draw Report – owner information on the first horse of the report was missing
  • Fix – Awards – Circuit/Hi Points – if there is an owner missing from a horse, a syntax error occurred
  • Fix – Classes – several of the new ABRA class names had the incorrect sex of the horse listed
  • Vista issue – Utilities – Association Disk Creation – some configurations of Vista don’t allow creation of files to the root directory so an adjustment was made to select a drive as well as a directory to save the file
  • Paso Fino Module – classes included with error checking (allowing adjustment on age as of Sept 1 instead of Jan 1) and association disk creation
  • Classes – AQHA Select classes will do and age check on the starting date of the show instead of January 1st
  • Horse/Announcer’s Report – addition of Slot Owner to each horse and inclusion on Announcer’s Report
  • Payback/Checks – Pre-check report – if separate page for each payee is selected, the total of all the checks pushes to a separate page as well
  • Payback/Checks – NRHA Tally Report implemented
  • Reports – Labels for Photographer – exports to CSV file which can then be opened in Excel
  • Reports – People by Name – exports to CSV file which can then be opened in Excel
  • Shows – Show Information – allow the editing of the alphanumeric show ID for printing on reports

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What’s new for v7.63? (some in pre-released 7.62)

  • Rules 2009 – ABRA – Updated sscore sheets and class codes
  • Rules 2009 – AQHA rule change – added Novice grand/reserve classes for use in All Novice shows
  • Rules 2009 – NRCHA – Updated score sheets and payout model
  • Vista issue – adding more than one show to database now working (three dummy shows added to any database that doesn’t have three for 2009 already)
  • Vista issue – horse/rider icon now compatible
  • Vista issue – installation program now compatible
  • Fix – ApHC – disk creation file format corrected
  • Fix – Awards – Circuit/Hi Points – printing age of rider when there is a scratch in the class gives an error
  • Fix – Classes – give error message when adding new class with apostrophe’s or quotes as these will cause problems in queries
  • Fix – Entries – Back Number Mode – Syntax error on owner/exhibitor that was deleted
  • Fix – PHBA – Roster for One Show – fee was changed to $5 per horse
  • Fix – Reports – Results by Class – when scratches are in the class and print selection includes classes with no entries, judge’s information isn’t printing on the bottom
  • Fix – Reports – Results by Class – when scratches are in the class and print selection includes classes with no entries, the No Entry line is printed
  • Fix – Reports – Roster for One Show – when selecting only one association, total number of entries for all horses in show was still listed
  • Fix – Select Qualifier – added horse to the go multiple times (once for each Go listed under that class)
  • Fix – Select Qualifier – if no entries in the ‘Held With’ class, horses were ‘auto-qualified’ to the Composite gos each time the user went into Results/Scoring for any of the classes in the Held With group
  • Charges – Stalled With from Entries carried over into the Stalled With on the Charges screen when entering that field
  • Entries – back #’s from previous circuit
  • Payouts – credits for paybacks can be total winnings rather than just bringing the balance to $0 by checking the box in Utilities | Maintain System Preferences
  • People – Membership checkbox information included on People by Name and Awards reports
  • Reports – Announcer/Ring Steward Report – allows for no page breaks to fit more classes on less pages
  • Reports – Back Number List – add current circuit to range
  • Reports – Results by Class – DOB on exhibitors to print for all associations/all classes when checked
  • Reports – Show Summary Counts – includes approving association of class along with name
  • Reports – Updated report writer and exporter
  • Results/Scoring – PHBA – tie breaker system for World Show
  • Statements – Add PDF out put to individual statement
  • Statements – Phone number and email optional per check box in Utilities | Maintain System Preferences
  • Utilities – Select Qualifier – Scratches now pushing correctly to Composite Go
  • Utilities – Year End Database Clear – now updated to allow for clear of specific year

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What’s new for v7.60?

  • ABRA – New changes for 2008 (new select classes and judge’s sheets updated)
  • APHA – New changes for 2008 (extra expiration date and skill set definitions)
  • AQHA – New changes for 2008 (leased horses only allowed in novice classes, new classes, new novice skill sets, restrictions on Parrot Mouth, Cryptorchid, and Excessive White)
  • NRCHA – New changes for 2008 (payouts based on number shown NOT entered and judge’s sheets updated)
  • Awards – Circuit Awards – Points are now awarded for all concurrent classes not just Held With class
  • Awards – Circuit/Hi Points – page break between classes in the All Classes report
  • Charges – Stall With pull from Entries area if exists for that responsible party
  • Entries – Class Mode – Print a listing of the horses/riders in class (basically a screen dump)
  • Payouts/Checks – Checks no longer including credit or overpayment from previous circuits
  • Payouts/Checks – checks printing one ‘word’ amount and another ‘number’ amount
  • Payouts/Checks – Precheck report – added Select/Deselect All
  • Reports – Announcer’s Report/Working Order Draw – # of total runs not coming up correctly for concurrent classes
  • Reports/Judges Cards – ‘SCR’ now printing for scratched entries if included
  • Reports/Results by Class – include points (instead of money)
  • Reports/Results by Class – option to exclude birthdate for youth

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What’s new for v7.52?

  • ABRA – All-around rule changes and Judge’s sheets added
  • Awards – Circuit/Hi Points – Added inclusion of foal date
  • Awards – Circuit/Hi Points – Summary no longer doubling or tripling points for some horses
  • Association Disk Creation – ApHC & USEF format updated
  • Charges/Reports – Added Departure Date to Stall information in Charges area as well as Stall Report
  • Entries – Back Number Mode – scratching entries in shows other than the working show now pushing correctly to results records
  • Error checking – Horse or exhibitor’s age now checked against the show year rather than year the computer was set to
  • Judges cards – added ability to include scratched entries & fixed label adjustment
  • Mailing labels – Labels adjustment now working correctly
  • Paybacks – Sanction fee for NSBA now generates $3 per entry or % input in purse calculation and report can include all classes that are run under that association rather than just those with purses (you will still need to include payout models for the classes that you want to be included even if you are not running a payback for the class; no money will be awarded as your entry fee will still be $0 and you won’t actually run the payback function)
  • Paybacks – Association Retention Report – added Export function…at this point, information that is exported to Excel is text so amounts are NOT numeric and won’t be calculated in formulas unless you override them
  • Purse Calculations – Can use Purse Override to generate a purse that still pulls out correct % retentions to compensate for an override of # of entries or total entry amount to allow for some entries being free
  • Statements – Removing a horse from the entire show through Entries | Class Mode now removes the automatic horse fees
  • Reports – Announcer’s Report – Added option to include Trainer and/or Breeder name
  • Reports – Announcer’s Report – printing concurrent classes using Showbill instead of Class allows you to get individual sheets for each class if you want them
  • Reports – Back Number List – Added option to include Trainer and/or Breeder name
  • Reports – Error Report – Added a checkbox to allow for elimination of Scratched and Inactive horses
  • Reports – Info for Pub – page break between shows now has correct show ID on each page
  • Reports – Info for Pub – Added option to include Trainer and/or Breeder name
  • Reports – Info for Pub – Added option to include Go Name
  • Reports – Results by Back# – made more concise; similar to detail listing of circuit awards
  • Reports – Results by Class – actual time is printed when selecting ‘include scores’
  • Reports – Results by Class – added NRCHA format
  • Results/Scoring – Standings – Scratches now being noted correctly as SCR on results sheets instead of NP
  • Results/Scoring – Runoffs – three or more in tie for first place now broken to 1st and the rest tied for 2nd
  • Results/Scoring – Setting status to DQ clears scores and/or times so that horse isn’t placed and paid money (like in ranked classes)
  • Results/Scoring – Dropping scores keeps scores in place but doesn’t include them in total for placings
  • Shows – changing Held With in Master show now pushes to subsidiaries; Change in date does also
  • Statements – Removing a horse from the entire show through Entries | Class Mode now removes the automatic horse fees
  • Statements – Add Points after Show:Place (set the correct points to be printed in Maintain System Preferences)
  • Work with New Show – Sort of shows is now from most current to least current

What’s new for v7.51?

  • Additional scoring spaces for multiple judges on Announcer’s Report
  • Duplicate Entries added to Duplicate Classes function
  • Address included on all check formats
  • Reset Judge’s utility now offers a range of classes along with entire show

What’s new for v7.50?

  • Changes to database per AQHA rule updates
  • Circuit Awards allow printing in showbill order
  • Relationship is pulled from approving association of show/class rather than default association
  • Error message will pop up when entering a horse into a Select or Performance class when in the Amateur or Age division of that class
  • Valid relationships are checked for all AQHA classes
  • NRCHA Judges sheets have been updated
  • Added No Score to scoring status for NRHA and prints as NS on results page
  • Added pattern number on Announcer’s Reports
  • Updated payback schedules to include NRHA – Schedule B
  • Retention Report only includes Go 1 classes
  • Allows scores to be included on results printout from Standing screen
  • Coggins expiration date automatically is set to one year from the initial date
  • Additional information added to NRHA file format (for specific show managers only)
  • Select Qualifier only looks at specific class NOT all concurrent classes

Want all this and more?

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What’s new for v7.44?

  • Class Entry Status screen reset
  • Adding additional entries to a concurrent class didn’t pull the original draw number or set it to the first or last in the draw if a new entry in the non-working show
  • Modifying a charge from the non-working show in a circuit now allowed
  • Exhibitor with no restrictions was allowed in classes with restrictions
  • Added ‘Draw #’ to ordering on Information for Publication report
  • Copying classes from previous shows now resets Max Places to 99 (number ranked)
  • Scratching more than one horse from the Results/Scoring screen resulted in error
  • Added Time In/Time Out spaces on Announcer’s Reports
  • Added modification of Time In/Time Out to Results/Scoring
  • # Shown now printing correctly for Subsidiary shows in Info for Publication report
  • Page # now printing on Circuit Awards reports

What’s new for v7.43?

  • Regional Scoring added for AQHA Regional Shows (uses 120, 105, 91, 78, etc. to place horses based on multiple judge’s results)
  • NRHA disk creation file was adjusted per NRHA’s file format updated 6/9/2006
  • No error message coming up when entering a horse into a class not in the working show
  • Added Stall text field for STALL* feetypes added to statements and on Stall information/report
  • Stall Report can be run for all STALL* feetypes regardless of where fee type was added (Stall With field from Back Number Mode can only be viewed with the Back Number List report…this column will be blank if the Stall With is only added in Entry Mode)
  • State Association Disk Creation file uses approving association of the show when including registration numbers of horses and people
  • Added Description and Doc# fields to Accumulation of Feetype report
  • Placings were wrapping on Statement when more than 99 horses were in the class
  • Stall With field not updating for other shows in circuit when changed in one show
  • SSN and Relationship error checking now complete

What’s new for v7.42?

  • Added additional registration numbers on exhibitor and owner
  • Added Arrival date and increased Notes size (from 50 to 100) on Stall information/report
  • Some classes showed up twice in the Class Entry Count screen
  • Points in Circuit Awards Summary report were doubled or tripled (doesn’t go back and fix old issues of this but it should not occur again)
  • # Shown in cases of Run Off was including the extra entries into the run off

Issues from v7.41 cleaned up:

  • Program taking a long time to open data files in network environment
  • Owner association expiration date was sometimes wrong if more than one association card
  • Exhibitor box didn’t allow for arrow key usage

What’s new for v7.41?

  • Networking speed issues; lock ups should be eliminated
  • Added question to verify adding second entry in class with Inactive Status.
  • Owner requirements (valid association number and expiration date) sped up
  • Added showing status to Exhibitor box
  • Added APHA skill sets per categories 1-13
  • Enlarged Status column on people screen
  • Fixed name of class on Judge’s Verification report (if more than one class with the same class code was in the system, the first class to have been entered would come up as the name)
  • Enlarged Count field in Accumulation of Fee Type report
  • Judge’s card needs Show ID not ShowNo (make sure the A is listed)
  • Incorrect header on Fee Type report
  • Enlarged Show# column on Work with New Show screen
  • Amount retained in purse calculation should never be negative (set to $0 if so)

Later incremental releases will include:

  • Awards – Add # of shows to Circuit report so user can see if they showed under each day of circuit
  • Error checking – Select classes age restriction is on date of show (Youth is first of year)
  • Error checking – Select classes give error message if horse is showing in the same of the Amateur class
  • Judges Card – Add basic judges cards/labels for any group to use
  • Mailing Labels – not sorting for specific shows/also to sort for circuit
  • Reports – Results by Class in IBHA or PHBA format running over owner/exhib
  • Reports – Working Order Draw – check box to leave off horse/rider information like Announcer’s Report
  • Reports – NRCHA final report (Purse Distribution report re: NRCHA)
  • Reports – sort Results by Class report by division for IBHA
  • Reset Judges – allow a range of classes to be reset along with entire show
  • Scoring – Add No Score to scoring status (like DQ or Scratched)

What’s new for 2006?

  • Awards – add birth date to report so verification of correct age for youth classes can be done
  • Awards – check box to include all classes entered so it can be verified that horses were entered in all classes required
  • Awards – Include owner on circuit report (in place of exhibitor) when using back number only
  • Awards – select individual and/or multiple shows across the year
  • Entries – Class name listed in Back Number Mode
  • Entries – different showbill numbers for same classes enters correct class when selecting choice
  • Error checking – Amateur status asks for age like youth (for Select)
  • Horses/People – overriding deletion of horses/people when records are tied to data
  • Judges Card – Add Limited Cow Work Judges card to NRCHA listing/updated NRCHA current cards
  • NRHA – results file to disk creation
  • Payouts – Allow separate pages of pre-check report to send to payee with check
  • Payouts – Don’t pay zero scores
  • Payouts – Modification of Pre-check report to make is easier for payee to read
  • Reports – Results for Publication – add # shown next to class name
  • Reports – Stall report added to F6 popup
  • Scoring – # Entries shown for concurrent classes on Results/Scoring screen
  • Scoring – Composite Gos
  • Setup – Modify skill set for AQHA to include letters for groups
  • Statements – Modify statement to include more information on the responsible party and contact person
  • Statements – check box (on System Preferences screen) to allow SSN/FedID to be printed
  • Statements – horse’s name not printing if not in currently selected show
  • USEF reporting

What’s new in v7.38?

  • Back Number Mode…certain horses create an error when trying to pull up horses with the same starting letter(s)
  • Manually changing payout amount in concurrent classes forced the same amount to be awarded to the same horse in other concurrent classes

What’s new in v7.37?

  • Announcer Report fix…when printing in Showbill order, classes with no entries all printed first

What’s new in v7.36?
Additional features:

  • Final screen resolution changes
  • Owner registration number(s) included on Entries | Back Number Mode screen
  • NRHA score cards (NRHA module)
  • PHBA/IBHA reporting
  • DQ’s now input for individual judges in split/combined or double judged shows
  • DQ’s included on Results by Class report if requested
  • Check box on Class Status Screen (F6) to show if results have been input
  • Miscellaneous fixes:
  • Association types field size too small (new Novice categories could only hold 5)
  • Age of horse error check; only minimum age was checked correctly
  • Dropping of low score
  • Editing a charge from a different show in the circuit changed the show listed in the charge
  • Announcer’s report included scratched horses in entry count for concurrent classes
  • If scratching a horse from the Results/Scoring area, it would scratch all the classes that shared an approving association for that horse
  • ‘A’ not showing up on roster report (also didn’t include subsidiary show ID’s on master report)
  • Announcer’s report pushed to new page at Sire/Dam information
  • Mailing label owners were sorted in by first name
  • People by Name and Listing of Class Codes report didn’t restrict properly
  • When all entries were scratched in a class, Results by Class report didn’t print ‘No Entries’

What’s new for 2005?

  • New AQHA Novice rule (where entrants have specific novice classes they are eligible for rather than the whole division); APHA Novice rule coming…
  • NRCHA judge’s cards added
  • Judge’s cards labels added (still can print cards directly from the program but now allows for those that just want the labels to affix to their own cards)
  • Larger screen resolution changes/Maximization of all main screens (set on the Maintain System Preferences screen)
  • Association Retention Report
  • Outstanding Balance report
  • Allowance of $0 fees for classes (to show up on statement along with placing)
  • Stall with functionality from Charges area to allow for horses with no entries; report to coincide
  • Breeder information included

What’s new in v7.27?

  • NRHA needs to have all ownership information on results sheets…added each individual owners name/address/association number to Announcer’s Report, Results by Class, and Standings reports
  • When changing an owner’s name on the People screen (i.e. owner got married), owner name wasn’t changed in Horse information screen or on Announcer’s Report…v7.27 does

What’s new in v7.26?

  • Fixes issue with new AQHA show ID’s that start with the letter A
  • Fixes issue with laptops that don’t have floppy drives and creating association disks give an error message ‘invalid filename’

What’s new in v7.25?

  • Fixes number format issue with European countries that use commas rather than decimal places.
  • Fixes Information for Publication Report; error came up when printing in class code order.
  • Adds Exhibitor on All-Around printed report for divisions other than Open (which still shows Owner)

What’s new for 2004?

  • Change the picture on the main menu to one of your choosing
  • All pertinent reports exported to PDF, RTF, and HTML…some financial reports exported to Excel
  • Enter Results from the Class Mode Entry Screen (like in old DOS system)
  • Show Setup Wizard walks through setting up your shows with more detailed explanations of each field used (judge and show fee information to be added in a version coming soon)
  • Judges Reset/Swap function to ease those changes in judge information after the show is already set up
  • More cross reference reporting (Exhibitor/Responsible Party list, Owner/Responsible Party list, Back number/Responsible Party/Stalled With list)
  • ABRA module added