If you are locked out of the system because of a database error and you have Microsoft Access2000 or greater installed on your computer, open the show database from there and you will be prompted to repair it.
If you do not own Access, try running the Database Utility Program (ctdbUtil.exe) from the Horse Show for Windows folder on the Start | All Programs menu (outside of HSW) and choose Compact and Repair.
If this still doesn’t allow you back into the program, you have a few options:
- email the database to us at support@funnware.com and we will see if we can repair it (our support staff needs access to a computer and the internet so timing may or may not allow for this);
- use a backup of your database and just re-enter any data that might have been lost or;
- rename the corrupted database and allow the program to generate an empty one to start from scratch.
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