Feb 11, 2015
Verify that your classes are set up correctly. Every class that is run concurrently MUST be ‘Held With’ the first class listed in the showbill. Once you make your corrections, return to Results/Scoring and reset the standings by clicking the Results button and,...
Feb 11, 2015
Yes. When you select ‘Disqualified’ from the status box (after right clicking on that entry), you will be asked if you wish to DQ under all judges. If you answer ‘No’, you will be asked to DQ for each judge listed in the show. After completing the DQ, a capital ‘D’ in...
Feb 11, 2015
To mark an entry as Disqualified, or any other status your organization uses, go to the scoring area, select the class, and right click on the back number to change it’s status. If Disqualified isn’t a scoring status option, check Maintain Associations from the...
Feb 11, 2015
There are several ways a horse can be scratched: Scratch an individual horse from a class under Entries in either Back Number or Class mode; If your class is ranked, upon entering results you’ll be asked if any horses need to be scratched. If so, enter all those...