Feb 11, 2015
Both horses and people can be looked up by association number by first typing the @ sign and then the association number in any horse or person lookup field. No need for the approving association, if there is more than one person or horse with the same number, you...
Feb 11, 2015
From the Extras menu (hit the F6 key), select Class Entry Status to view all the classes. The total number of entries and the number actually shown can be viewed for all classes in the working show. There is also a stand-alone program called Entry Count Display that...
Feb 11, 2015
A few things can cause this to happen. If you added your subsidiary shows after entries were done to the dummy master show, results records wouldn’t have been created for them. Using the Reset Results Records function from the Utilities menu will create those results...
Feb 11, 2015
The Entries screen show the entry records that are created when adding a horse to a class. The Announcer’s Report and Results/Scoring screen show the results records. It is possible (especially in a network environment) for the entry record to be added while the...
Feb 11, 2015
There is a flag set after paybacks are calculated so that you can’t accidentally change money that has already been awarded. To reset this flag so you can redo the paybacks, select Results from the Results/Scoring screen while the class is listed and, without changing...