Feb 10, 2017
Enter the VRH All-Around class for each division you are holding into your showbill putting it anywhere you want (similarly to Grand/Reserve). 110200 – Open VRH All Around 110700 – Open Cowboy VRH All Around 210200 – Amateur VRH All Around 210800 – Amateur Ltd VRH All...
Feb 11, 2015
You’ll need to score a run-off between the horses who are tied. In Results/Scoring, call up the class and change the Run Off box from 0 to 1 to enter scores for the first run off. You’ll be asked which tie(s) you want to break. The horses that are tied for up to those...
Feb 11, 2015
The software uses the judge information to push results from the master show into each subsidiary. If the judge isn’t present in a subsidiary or has been changed in the master show but not in the subsidiary, the program doesn’t know to push the results. Since the...
Feb 11, 2015
From the Extras menu (hit the F6 key), select Class Entry Status to view all the classes. A check box noting if results have been done can be viewed for all classes in the working show.
Feb 11, 2015
If you add a horse to a class after the horses have already been qualified into subsequent gos, you will need to use the Select Qualifier function from the Utilities menu to qualify that horse into the rest of the gos.